Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ever have one of those days...

Where you really want to scrapbook a lot, but you end up not really doing much?

Friday, September 21, 2007

My Star

I have been wanting to do this for a couple of weeks now, since i saw it in this month's issue of Scrapbooks Etc.

So tonight, I took some pictures of the family, printed them out and did it!!

check out the family blog for full photos...

Done with 7gypsies paper, making memories doodle rub ons and deja view rubons....

Thursday, September 20, 2007

New stuff ...and stuff.

This is actually a 7gypsies (*I think*) picture frame clipboard I bought a few years ago and finally did something with... it stands up but there was a glare, so i laid it on its side for the picture :)
This is just my happy jack page :)

A page about me.... I scraplifted the layout from a magazine but did my own colors....

Monday, September 17, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


...made from paper punches....

New Blanket

...special order newbron size, 2ft x 2ft

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Some nature shots we took

Pictures from Big Lake, the rest of the pictures on the family blog,
I'll do some landscapes later....

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Getting ready to go camping and such.

So this weekend, our family along with Micah's brother's family (aka my bsf) are going camping. The guys will fish and the girls with hang out with the babies. I am excited to go, and am hoping to get a break from the heat too! Its about a three hour drive or so up into the mountains so it will be a nice change of scenery. Even though we went earlier this summer, I am kind of nervous because of how big of an explorer Jaden likes to be and now Jackson has become a bit more mobile and wiggly. :) Deacon (who is two months or so younger than Jackson) will be there, so maybe he can do some sweet entertaining for the boys, hehe :) They do adore their cousin!

Right now, black lavendar is busy making some cookies and I am waiting for bread to rise. I just got Jackson down for his morning nap and Jaden is busy playing in his room with his "cahhhrsh". I guess I will go ahead and tackle all the laundry that has been piling up.

Good times.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Did this little number today when my bsf was over. :)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Bonus Round!


Go to bed already! No, no, no, hang in there for one more. This one might be for you! Do you (like myself)have a stack of pages you are not finished with? Maybe you didn't feel it at the time, or got lazy or interrupted, never returning to it again? How about a page you think you finished, but when you look at it,you cringe? Get one of those pages out already and finish it!I have a STACK of pages I need to finish that are sad and forlorn, waiting to be completed. Above is how it began and then how it finished.

10 points for completing (or fixing) it!

Now doesn't that feel great? And with that, goodnight!!!

challenge 6...


Challenge 6: So Long Summer!

Well, the night is coming to a close. (stay tuned at 11 for the bonus points!) I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, and maybe had a challenge for themselves here or there.

Even though a lot of us live here in Sunny Arizona, for the rest of the country and those who are in those parts, summer is coming to a close. No more pool parties, barbeques and all the heat that comes a long with it. To commemorate summer ending for 2007, do a scrapbook page of it!

5 points for finishing the page

5 points for doing pictures from THIS summer

5 points for sharing with the rest of us

Total Points: 15 points

challenge 5....


Challenge 5: BFF's

We all know what that friends forever!

Now do a scrapbook page about that special someone in your life who is your bff! It can be your husband, your mom, sister (in laws), friends from high school, college, neighbor, shoot, even your pet! Get busy on a page all about them!

I didn't do journaling on this because I ran out of room. Shame on me. Excuses. I could have hidden it in the smaller picture or put it on a tag. However, if YOU do journaling, you get extra points!

5 points for completing the page

5 points for journaling with this person is your bestfriend (time to get sappy!)

5 points for sharing with everyone

Total Possible Points: 15

challenge 4....

8:00 Challenge 4: All About ME!

....for a change! Sure it's easiest to scrapbook someone else, but don't be modest, do a page about you! Get out those pictures of yourself and scrap away. Earn more points for doing a BABY page about you! I have borrowed the album of the first 9 months of mylife for a year now and have done nothing with them,until now.

But your pictures aren't that good? Doctor them up and reprint them on your printer like I did. PLUS! I got to use girly stuff!! You don't have the stuff to doctor them up like that? Use the pictures anyway! It's the memories that count!

10 points for completing this page, because some people have a harder time talking about themselves (right? Haha)

10 points for using your baby pictures

5 points for sharing!

Total Possible Points: 25 points!


challenge 3...

7:00 Challenge 3: Scraplift

After that last challenge (which made me sweat a little bit!), I thought it would be nice to use someone else's creativity and brain. Get out those magazines, go through the gallery or check out pages online and copy copy copy! I used a page from Scrapbook Trends Baby Edition to do this little diddy on Jackson. The fun part was, doing something on the page I have never done. I saw how this page had incorporated a circle in the background to make an arrow. I totally would have never thought of that on my own before this!

5 points for completing the page

5 points for doing something new to you (anything new to you)...

AND I will throw in an easy 5 points if you post the page you do along with the page you copied!total points possible: 15 points

challenge 2...

6:00 Challenge 2: Monochromatic


A definition I found online explaning monochromatic was: Monochromatic colors are all the hues (tints andshades) of a single color. As a result, the energy is more subtle and peaceful due to a lack of color contrast. Monochromatic colors offer very little contrast and may be considered boring unless there is diversity within the design.This was hard for me because I love color! I love mixing color, adding color, just working with moremore more color! But, I challenged myself to stick with one main color. I even upped the ante by doing a color I normally avoid! I like browns and blues and such as you will most likely see as the night goes on.

With that in mind..

Points for this page:

10 points for completing this page in 1 color or less(get it? Hehe)

3 bonus points for doing a color you normally avoid

and if you share what you do, get another 2 points!

Total Points..15

challenge 1!

Ok Gals lets start scrappin'!
5:00 Challenge 1: 15-30 minutes page
So we always see it in magazines, online, ( Kim's virtual crop did this theme) and everywhere else youcan think of that is all about scrapbooking. How doyou do a page in 30 minutes or less? Well, the first challenge of the night is to do just that! That way,everyone in the house can get fed because your challenge for this hour will be already done, right? Now when I did it, I had two boys fully awake and running around, a husbandand my brother and sister in law over. If I had been alone, this page would have easily been 15 minutes but it was just a bit under 30. Its simple and may be lacking a bit. it doesn't have a full out title or journaling, soooo with that in mind...
the points for this page:
5 points for finishing it
3 points bonus for doing it in the time specified
2 point for a title
3 points for journaling (everyone who doesn't like journaling can groan at this point)
and 2 points for sharing with the rest of the class
for a total of.. 15 points to get the ball rolling!
On your marks, get set, go!