Friday, February 29, 2008

Baby leg warmers and 11 months old!

My 11 month old Baby Boy!
I found how to make my own "baby legs" online from here.  SUPER fast and oh so easy! I spent 75 cents on these, compared to 12-13 dollars before shipping, and now that I know how to do them, I can make super funky ones! And since my little baby leg model is not taking a nap right now like he should be, he was happy to steal his brother's juice and model them for the camera!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Homemade Pretend Food

I saw this idea online and totally am running with it! They say to use wool felt, but I think this works fine and its only 20 cents a sheet.
The boys LOVE playing with pretend food, but I didnt want to buy the plastic stuff and I thought it would be fun to have home made toys. So, I made it myself! I was going to surprise Jaden with it all in one big box but the process is kind of slow because I only work on it all at night when they are in bed, so I went ahead and gave it to him when I saw him making a cake out of his carsagain last night, haha. He was so excited, he was laughing hysterically when I would show him everything! And of course he had problems sharing his new food with Jackson.

We are also saving some of the recycled stuff when we eat, strawberry containers (which I will fill with the felt strawberries), chocolate milk containers (I am going to shake a bit of chocolate milk colored paint inside to coat it, ranch bottle (only his favorite thing ever!). etc.

So far I have made two eggs, a complete cheeseburger, a carrot, grapes, banana, a piece of pizza and chicken drumstick..i think thats it so far.

I have a whole list of stuff to make still, i will update as i do them :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Too bad life cant all be crafts and fun stuff!

It sure has been awhile since I last posted anything. I have a few projects I am working on right now, and all of my scrapbook stuff is out begging to be used, its just been kind of busy around here. I will post some new pages this week, most likely, as well as maybe a couple of other things :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Jaden making his very first valentines!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

DM Virtual Crop

Thanks Britt for the great challenges! I love thinking outside of the box! I hope to finish the other two this weekend!

The 6 pm challenge was to use paper that you don't like and a bonus is to use stickers as well that you dont like.
Well. I have had this camo paper FOREVER. I ended up using it as the background behind the paper and the framing one pc and using the rest for the title. The title says jackson is ALL BOY and those letters I have had as a title since before Jackson was born and never knew how to use it. While i am not a huge fan of this page, i am glad i scrapped these pictures and was able to use two things i normally wouldnt have. Yay!

The 7 pm challenge was to use numbers in your title.

The title says 2 friends.... aw shoot. I forgot to add the journaling. I'll do it later. Anyway, its hard to see, but there is a lot of bling on the 2 and the buttons. It was fun! (thats the 9 pm challenge, does it count for both? :))

This page should have gone with the paper that you dont like. But I used it. And some chipboard pieces from heidi grace and came up with a page that I needed to scrap the pictures and tell the story of a very scary night! The letters blended too much on the page, so I used a white pen and a brown pen to doodle around them to pop them up a bit...

This page was one I started awhile ago, but got sort of stuck on, so I put it away in my piles of pages that I never finish. I brought it out today and tried it again. At least I can say its done now, right? There is shimmery sugary glitter all around the star too :)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Grassy Caterpillars :)

We made these today with grass seed to grow into fuzzy caterpillars!

Making them:
Introducing Mr and Mrs C

Monday, February 4, 2008

Bloom and Grow-Acrylic Album (Design Team Project)

Lots of bling, flowers and glitter, who says you cant use this stuff for a boy's book? The theme is spring, anything goes! Used with Heidi Grace papers, chipboards, stickers, rubons, and even clear stamps, this line is fun!! Also some misc. stuff used as well :) Over every picture, there is a transparency layer too. Gotta love anything clear!