Monday, September 15, 2008

Tea Pictures

Last week, I promised to show you the pictures from the tea and I am excited to share I got them yesterday! Thank you Tiffanie for taking the pictures for me and sharing! Here are some of the great shots she took!

On the other computer, I have the invitation I put together digitally. It wasn't anything super fabulously creative, but it was fun making it.

Tawn and I hosted it....

I made favors for all of the women. There was yummy chocolate in it! (and I have extras!)

Strawberries and Dip

Chicken Salad Sandwiches

Tawn made these great cinnamon muffins, and I learned how to make petit fours (the easy way) and I threw in some cheesecake

Deviled Eggs

Micah's Mom brought these great cookies, everyone loved them!

Way too dry pasta salad. Next time I know better.

Afterwards, we had Scripture reading, and really blessed conversation. What a beautiful group of women we had gathered to fellowship with one another! I am looking forward to getting together again!


  1. The whole set up was amazing Rebecca, you did an amazing job! i won't stop saying it, You're GREAT!

  2. Hey Becca! That tea looks like it had some yummy food and it was such a nice neat to have a get together and have a scripture reading and fellowship. what a nice idea and your favors are so cooL! looks like you did a great job!

  3. What a beautiful party. Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
