Friday, April 24, 2009

Lensbaby and New Necklace

I got a lensbaby for my birthday last year and havent gotten it out as much as I had thought I would (and as much as my husband would like). It was kind of initimidating to me and I didnt know as much as I do now (not that I know that much at all now) so I never reached for it.

Today has been kind of an eh day for me. I dont feel like putting all this laundry away or do dishes from lunch (ok and breakfast) and I dont feel like anything else that makes a mess, so I took my camera outside and started shooting pictures of the plants around me. 

While I was outside, I remembered I made this necklace this morning after I got home from errands with the boys and thought how pretty it would be on one of the sunflowers blooming (we have a few now!)

Then I decided to take a deep breath and try the lensbaby again. Its been awhile. Played around with the settings and got this: 


I thought it would be fun to play around with it in photoshop too.


So I still need to work on the focus point (its manual focus) but I think I may be getting the lighting right?! Its a little bit dark still but its a start! Now I am excited to keep working with this lens.


  1. The top photo is my favorite. I like the effect that the lens has.

    How did your boutique go?

  2. Oh lord. I think I may have asked you before who Len is. haha Who is Len's baby. Excuse my *dur moment*.
