Thursday, October 29, 2009

Repurpose a stained shirt :)

I admit that a lot of my clothes have paint or marker splattered on them. It's just become a part of my wardrobe and I have learned to deal with it! All of my sweats look the same and a lot of my jeans do as well. 

When I was pregnant with my second, I bought a fun long shirt at Old Navy for pretty cheap. It was long sleeves and so comfy, and perfect for being 8+ months pregnant. But sadly, the first day I wore it, my white sharpie splattered all over the belly, and as much as I tried to get it out, it left a big white faded spot on the shirt. I think I still wore it in the house but didnt wear it out.

Even when I got rid of a lot of my maternity clothes this time, I still couldnt part with this one. Yesterday (because its SO beautifully chilly outside for once!) I got it out to wear and saw that crazy stain and decided to cover it on up! I see myself wearing it a lot and now I can wear it OUT of the house too!

I dont have a before picture, but here is an after:
To do this, I cut out my petals, glued them on with some washable fabric glue (I could have also used sewable heat n bond but this was within reach), then stitched around the petals with my buttonhole stitch on the sewing machine. I hand sewed the buttons on and then did the stems and leaves. 

I also made a matching hair accessory:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Well, I guess I have been pretty MIA.

Hi everyone!

First I have to kind of apologize for the lack of blog posting. There are many reasons for this. Although I have kept busy crafting, remaining active with church, hanging out with my family and so on, there have been a lot of things going on in my life that have made me take a step back and decide what I need to have on my priorities list. 

I have always enjoyed keeping up with this blog, because I love having everything together for resources, meeting fun new people, keeping in touch with friends, sharing ideas and how to's, and it's just fun! But the fun can wear off pretty fast when negative things happen.  And that's more real life than anything. What a difficult year this has been! But I just thank God for blessing our family in more ways than I can even think of, and the best part is knowing we are never alone through the good and bad times! 
John 14:15-18 (New King James Version)
If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever- the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.

Not to get into the details, but I will continue to blog and keep up with things, but I don't know if what I will share will be as frequent or in least for a little while. :) And you can always find me on facebook!

I know that I need to clean up and organize a bit on here, as it hasn't been updated in awhile, so while I do that, I will leave you with a recent picture from the pumpkin patch.

See you soon!