Friday, August 5, 2011

Family Art Work

If you follow me on pinterest, did you see this adorable idea fromSamster Mommy's Natasha? She got everyone in her family (including the pets!) and created a beautiful masterpiece!

I have been collecting a couple of things here and there to eventually redo the wall above our couch into more of a gallery type wall. (And by a couple, I mean, I have two frames so far.) I don't want to start it until I can finish it, and it might take awhile to get everything and figure out what I want to do, so I am not rushing it. But i thought this would be a perfect center to the whole thing.

I got everyone together (minus the dog, because it was hard enough to keep a 19 month old's hands contained during this) and we all had a blast creating it together!

(and what art session isn't complete without their nerf guns?)

I already had scrapbooking letters to spell out family, a primed canvas and the acrylic paints on hand. We each took a color that each family member tends to gravitate to, which ended up blended together pretty well! The colors in my living room tend to be a tiffany blue and browns, and I have been wanting to incorporate more whites and greens as well.

I love the gloppy textures, I love that you can not tell they are handprints of every size unless you look at it for awhile, because it just makes a "firework" display as my 4 year old called it. I really like the family as lowercased too on ours. Its just us!

On the back, I wrote our names and the year, everyone's ages and how many years we have been married.