Wednesday, February 29, 2012

DIY Coin Purse

My kids are always asking for change, and I feel like i never have any on me. Or if I do, its clanging around loose in my purse. And wouldn't it be nice to pay for that sonic drink that you treat yourself to during happy hour with some spare change on hand?

The wallet I use is a clutch wallet, which doesn't really leave room for much of anything. I had seen some cute coin purses on pinterest and thought it would be nice to have one of my own.

I went to Joann's and bought the frame (I believe its under 5.00 before a coupon) and assumed it would be easy to put together. was easy to put together but only because I found a great pattern and tutorial to use.

After looking at a few tutorials,  I used this one HERE. So easy!

The inner and outer fabric is from Hobby Lobby, and although i didnt take a picture of the inside, its the same fabric as the "R" I machined sewed on.

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