Thursday, February 16, 2012

Make your own Chevron Fabric

I really like the fun bright colors and patterns that are trendy right now. One of my favorite prints is the chevron pattern. So when I saw this fun skirt that was featured on U-Create,  I knew  I wanted to recreate it for my little Bean in a chevron design as well!

Since I didnt have any chevron fabric handy, I decided to make my own using supplies that I had here!

I used the silhouette software using the "chevron border" and copied and pasted it to make a stencil on freezer paper:

Then i cut it twice and ironed the stencil together. I ironed onto the muslin fabric, then used fabric paint and a foam brush and applied.  I repeated this process twice more to get enough fabric for a little skirt. I was able to reuse the stencil even with the paint on it. It didnt affect my iron or the stencil.

After your fabric is dry, you can then use it however you'd like!

Definitely a hit with my little one! I think I might even make one for myself in black!


  1. That's awesome, thank you for posting this! From the Gibmee Blog (
