Friday, March 30, 2012

Flash Back Friday: DIY Bird Feeder

Where have I been lately? Every since this guy turned 5, it seems like everything has been super busy around here!

a super simple DIY Bird Feeder you can do with your little ones.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Do you swagbucks?

Search & Win

Do you use swagbucks to search the internet? I love it. I don't use it super hardcore like some people do but I still earn amazon gift cards every couple of months. Can't beat free gift cards just for searching the web!

If you are interested, click the link above so that I can refer you :) Its easy to set it up and its fun to spend the rewards!

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

a St Louis Cardinals Baseball Birthday

It was quite an adventure…this birthday party of his. He requested the theme back in December, at Ellie’s birthday party, because they ALWAYS pick their birthday theme at each party, of course!
I worked on it here and there all month, ordered everything ahead of time, bought the balloons and even bought the cake. We were all ready to go Friday night, when the dreaded happened. 12:30 in the morning brought Jackson a stomach bug that lasted all day the next day.
Jack on Saturday
Jackson got to look at his balloons while he was chilling out though.
First we changed it Friday to our house (it was for Saturday) because it looked like it was going to be pretty windy and it was supposed to be at the park. Then when he got sick, we changed it to Sunday after church still at our house and then debated back and forth whether or not just to cancel it, but in the end we had it and are really glad we did.  When we woke up it was raining, (and later hailing),  and we warned everyone ahead of time in case they didn’t want to risk getting anyone sick, and we were surprised of the turn out! Our balloons were dead but Jackson even got surprised with some new ones!
Thank you friends and family who were able to make it (and risk our little sick guy!) and celebrate with us. We love you!
Here’s our pretty balloons yesterday before they went flat. I did the St Louis Logo on them with vinyl stickers and my cutter
birthday boy in kitchen
I freezer paper stenciled the back to look like a jersey and I did a felt applique on the front.
birthday boy
birthday boy back logo shirt
Baby pictures and baseballs made up this birthday banner
I did the Sugar Cookie Flooding technique on 64 of these bad boys. It took me two days but I think they turned out so nice. Tied with a strip of baseball fabric and a red twine tag on a tag I printed out. They taste good too :)
The entry way
The candy was even “red bird” brand in the bucket. I used current and baby pictures to decorate and threw in some cracker jacks on a baseball print fabric. The red and yellow logo bags were made from the dollar store and some vinyl stickers. They were used as favor bags for the kids and the pinata.
Food pictures:
hot dogs
The hot dogs were so easy, we wrapped the buns in foil and put them in to warm and the hot dogs cooked while we were at church. Since we had less than 15 minutes to prepare after walking in from church, I think it was a success!
Picnic pack of condiments from Sam’s club
I saw this idea on pinterest and loved it. Cupcake liners (baseball of course) held the ice cream ahead of time for easy serving when it was cake time!
ice cream idea
Birthday boy’s meager lunch
birthday boy lunch
For the pinata, let me just say *an obvious by the way* do not use fabric and mod podge, even if you patch the fabric on. It makes it VERY solid! The kids all had a turn hitting it though :)
chris pinata pinata2 pinata
The crew waiting for their pinata prizes
Some party goers :)
everett party goersgifts2 party goers2
Gift opening, with lots of help
And cake time!
birthday cake
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