Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pattern Weights

I am loving Pinterest. So many fun ideas, inspirations and beautiful things to look at!

One thing I recently saw on there were these pattern weights. They were adorable, inexpensive and practical, so I made some too!

I went to Lowe's and got different weight and size nuts and washers (the same day I bought the nuts for the hexagon bracelet). I don't really care to go to Lowe's, so I have to make it worth my while when I am dragged there :)

Then used ribbon scraps, hot glue and fray check to make my own:

I have a pattern that has a lot of pieces that I can't wait to put these to use with!

1 comment:

  1. These look great! They are addictive too. I have since made many more than I'll ever need.
