Ok Gals lets start scrappin'!
5:00 Challenge 1: 15-30 minutes page
So we always see it in magazines, online, ( Kim's virtual crop did this theme) and everywhere else youcan think of that is all about scrapbooking. How doyou do a page in 30 minutes or less? Well, the first challenge of the night is to do just that! That way,everyone in the house can get fed because your challenge for this hour will be already done, right? Now when I did it, I had two boys fully awake and running around, a husbandand my brother and sister in law over. If I had been alone, this page would have easily been 15 minutes but it was just a bit under 30. Its simple and may be lacking a bit. it doesn't have a full out title or journaling, soooo with that in mind...
the points for this page:
5 points for finishing it
3 points bonus for doing it in the time specified
2 point for a title
3 points for journaling (everyone who doesn't like journaling can groan at this point)
and 2 points for sharing with the rest of the class
for a total of.. 15 points to get the ball rolling!
On your marks, get set, go!
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