Our high chair is a sturdy old thing. It has made it through two soon to be three babies, but the cover was just not doing it for me.
It was the cover that came with the chair and it was well loved, pilly and just done. So I trudged all of us up to Joann to attempt to make a new one without a pattern or a clue. and You can do it. You can. Really.
It actually turned out to be a quick and easy project!
What I used:
ric rac- on hand
oil cloth (yes. Joann sells oilcloth now!) for 50% off with coupon
canvas- was 50% off right now
bias tape. i bought extra wide double fold because its the easiest to work with with a 50% coupon
ribbon for ties (and then I sealed the edges with a lighter)
thread- 0n hand
batting- 5 dollars
I then traced around the previous cover giving each section about an inch extra all the way around and without even having to cut the cover apart, i visually dissected each section until I had all of the pieces that made up the cover, then sewed it all together. I sewed in the padding and added ties, and I might add the hole for the belt (which is a large button hole) but for now, I think it's fine. I doubt she will be standing any time soon, trying to climb out.
The oilcloth was a lot easier to sew with than what I have bought before, not as thick, but it is still washable and wipe able. I bought a darker pattern so that it would hide messes better. There was a cute polka dot print but the background was white, and all I could think about was spaghetti night.
I bought too much oil cloth, so I plan on making some reuseable baggies and a bib or two.
Now YOU try it!
REBECCA! Totally cute! I love how you just whipped it up! Good call on using oil cloth too - that is pure genius! This rocks..You rock! :)
Thanks Sister! YOU rock!
I have the same high chair, and the same problem. Mine took care of my two boys, a friends twin boys, and her daughter too, and now I have one last baby to put in the chair but the cover is falling apart. It looks like it will be a pretty easy project. Yours turned out beautifully.
I have the same highchair but I bought it used so it didnt come with a cover.. any idea how I could do it without the old cover to go off of?
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