Monday, March 24, 2014

A Rapunzel Party for a Four Year Old

I totally forgot to post this party, so it is a little late. This party had a lot of details, but since we met up at the park, a lot of the details were missed or not photographed. We played lots of games, including one where we threw darts at balloons in the shape of an apple for the pinata, but I guess I didn't get a picture of it! It was a party fit for a little Rapunzel. If you ask Ellie what she wants to be when she grows up she will tell you "A mom. and then Rapunzel."
Hope you had a great time, Sweet Princess!

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A book theme birthday party for a 7 year old

This past weekend, we celebrated with family the birthday of my middle guy. He is a an avid reader and wanted to do a book theme party. I totally hopped on board for it and even though it was a quick little party we put together, I think it might have been one of my favorite ones!
Many book were harmed in the making of this hurt a little but it was for a good cause.

This pull string piñata was made from a cheerio box, the perfect shape for a "book".

And family were good sports and dressed up as characters too!


This was the birthday boy: Big Nate
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

The Great Gatsby

Olivia and Where's Waldo
Amelia Bedelia and the Mad Hatter
Daisy and Gatsby 
The Pigeon and Tin Man

Daniel Boone and the Little Red Hen
The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf

Happy 7th Birthday, Jackson!

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