Yesterday afternoon, we trekked up to the Bass Pro Shop for the second year to see Santa. I was a bit dissapointed, as last year he was in this awesome rustic sleigh, but what can ya do, money is tight for everyone this year!
Jaden was SO excited. He couldn't wait to go see Santa! He kept asking JJ if he wanted to go too, and Jackson kept shaking his head no and get a worried look on his face. I know why. He was traumatized at Disneyland this October and then we always tell him that Santa Claus is watching him. Poor kid was freaked out that this was the guy that has been spying on him!
So Jaden hopped right up on his lap and gave him a big hug.

Then he got down to business. "I want a rocketship."

As soon as he finished letting Santa know what a good boy he was, he turned and automatically posed for the camera. I love him.

Then it was JJ's turn. Santa wanted Micah to sit on his lap too...hahahaha. Micah declined.

Don't worry Jackson, its just Santa! Jaden, obedient and taught well, kept his pose on.

"Seriously guys, let me down. I am so out of here."

"I like Christmas cookies, lights, and music, but if I have to sit on Santa's lap for presents, forget about it."

and with that, he was out.
Jaden, however, had to make sure that Santa didn't forget. "Thats a rocketship. and I will leave you cookies."

Candy makes everything better.

One more week!
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