I was doing some small flowers for page accents last night and thought, "how fun would these be any color I want?" So I rummaged through my reinkers for my stamp pads, and dyed them. I left one to show an example. The reinkers were easy: a little water, a few drops of ink, let them sit for about 5 minutes and dried them over night! I think if I had soaked them longer, they would be more vibrant.

These are addiciting to make. I can sit there and make them up while we all hang out together. Each flower design I made up as I went along. It's fun!
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Lakewood florist
crochet is fun and relaxing. your flowers turned out super cute. i've dyed several things with those reinkers aren't they great! like the idea of your flowers though!
Cute flowers. I like the colors and bet they will look great on a layout
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