Miss me? :)
We had such a nice time enjoying the cooler weather and great outdoors with good friends! the mosquitoes were HORRIBLE (and I wore my bug spray Michelle!) but that's really my only complaint. Its always hard to go home....until you remember there is a nice bathroom, warm bed and shower waiting for you!
As soon as I got home I tackled the laundry. I had the boys lined up at the bathtub and was taking their clothes off and putting them straight into the washer (the clothes, not the boys!), so it helped motivate me to just do it all. Now I need to fold it all and put it away. There's a lot of clothes for four people for three days....more than you realize once you start adding up all the layers!
I didn't really go too crazy with the camera. I guess I wasn't really feeling it. I had so much help with the boys that it was nice to just enjoy it. I ended up having a lot of random pictures though, so I will go ahead and post my top ten (in no order)...to see the rest of them, be sure to visit the family blog (let me know if you need the password)

my tough little camper took quite a fall.

(This was my favorite picture....)

Now its back to the heat. I have plenty of little projects here that I am itching to do (maybe I said itching because I am ITCHING SO BAD RIGHT NOW! Anyone have any remedies for mosquito bites?!)
Also, drop everything right now and go check out the Autism Raffle this week...some items being raffled can even be shipped so you dont have to be local to participate! Here is the link: Just Devine..Only 1 dollar a ticket!
AND if you register, make sure to stop here and enter for a chance to win this beautiful piece of art! Pin It
I did miss you!!! Looks like you had a great time. Great pictures as usual.
wow your campsite sure looks awesome!!I love camping.
Great photo's!!
Looks fun! Did you leave me Hello Kitty stickers at the store?
try regular gold bond for bug bites...works great! :)
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