I sure do go in blogging spurts. It seems like I am on for awhile and then off for awhile. My middle will be starting kindergarten in the Fall, so I have been trying to enjoy every little bit that I have with him still as a "baby" at home.
Recently, we took a plunge and bought a new sectional for our living room. I wasn't too keen on getting a sectional, but I wanted it to still be something wipe-able like we had, and to match better than our previous couches did. My husband picked out the sectional, and then I decorated it with some "new" to us pillows.
I used previous pillows I had here, as well as three larger ones that my sister in law passed on to us. I picked up a sheet at the thrift store and a pillowcase, but everything else I had, I used here. I think this entire project cost me out of pocket 5 dollars at the very most because of using my resources and supplies.
I got a couple of ideas off of pinterest: Make it and Love It for the gathered pillow, an idea similar to this pillow at E Tells Tales, saw some great ideas with monogram and burlap too, but then after that, each one, I kind of made up as I went along. I wanted texture, ruffles, buttons, burlap, linen and paint. I did freezer paper stencil directly on the burlap, and vintage lace trim.
(Recognize the bird from my sister's bridal shower?)
(The T is freezer paper stenciled onto linen)
On the back, I did the envelope type pillow cover, so they are also easy to remove and wash.
I love how they all coordinate together and make up something that reflects who we are as a family. (The ottoman is the one my husband and father in law built, my how our living room has changed!)
I love how the pillows are all different but still coordinate together. It seems like such a true reflection of our family.
Next up is my bedroom pillows! I spent a little more on the fabric for these, but I can not wait to get them all made up!
Love your cushions & the variety!!
im your newest follower.
Great pillows and your newest follower. I'm stopping by from The Crafted Sparrow's linky party.
Here is what I shared: http://craftybrooklynarmywife.blogspot.ca/2012/04/another-coat-for-holly.html
Thank you for sharing this post. I found very informative and helpful. Decorative throw pillows can really add a sense of comfort and style to a room. I love what your are doing with your living room. It looks great!
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