We were given our bedroom furniture as hand me downs when we got married, but because we have a different size mattress, the headboard (a full) never worked with our bed. We purchased the Ikea Frame years ago but then the furniture never really meshed with the feel of the room. Plus, because nothing really matched, and we go in spurts with keeping our room nice, it just hasnt been top priority.
Now that there's some order in our room again (it feels like it took two years to adjust to having a 5th person in our home), it was time to finally paint our bedroom furniture to make it ours. We put it off for a long time because of sanding everything, but I came across something from Kilz that we used for our "stained" furniture that was oil based. (It was sold at both home depot and lowes)
My husband is a whiz with a spray can and so instead of messing with painting it and worrying about brush strokes, we sanded down the spots needing sanding, primed everything with the spray paint version of this primer and then sprayed on the latex paint with our paint sprayer, which resulted in a beautiful pained smooth pottery barn type finish.
As with anything, the result you get is what you put in. It definitely took him a lot of prep work to get this nice of a finish but he did amazing. We were both sick all weekend, so I helped here and there but was pretty much a baby sitting outside watching.
And how cool is he? He even took pictures of the process (without being asked!)
This was a before shot.
Sanded the water spots down with steel wool and fine grit sandpaper.
Then primed everything:
Then painted. This was a two day process. It took two coats of primer and two coats of paint.
(Random chandelier shot, picked it up at a thrift store for 10 dollars, and I love how it hangs above our handmade desk!)
I just love the results.
I still need to do something with the curtains in our room, I would like to make something for the tops of the furniture (table runners), I need to recover the lamp shade, and we need a new duvet set and a couple other things here and there, but it is so nice to finally have a unifying theme in our bedroom. It makes me want to keep my room from being the catch all room in the house!
this turned out GORGEOUS!
The furniture looks amazing! You are welcome to come over and "practice" on our old furniture anytime. ;)
Yeah the furniture looks durable and will stand in test of time. ^_^ You should take care of those furniture because it is hard to find a wooden furniture that is affordable now.
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